Acquired Brain Injuries

Acquired Brain Injuries

Brain injury not only affect the persons abilities – it often alters the very essence of who a person is. The scale of issues people are faced with can be overwhelming.

Every brain injury is different and the effects are far reaching, and often include:

  • Behavioural and mental health effects, including mood swings, anxiety, depression and/or impulsivity issues.
  • Physical impairments including loss of co-ordination, physical paralysis, involuntary or dormant muscle control, epilepsy and sensory impairment.
  • Cognitive difficulties affecting memory, attention/concentration, rationalisation learning and development and communication needs.

The ability to communicate and make sense of the world may be limited, resulting in a difficulty for someone to express themselves, and making it more difficult to feel understood. Our approach puts the individual at the heart of what we do. We listen, learn and build relationships, providing support that’s unique to each person. 

Our support plans are created to fully support individuals through strength based, personalised support to meet each persons’ diverse needs. This is where skilled staff really make a difference to someone’s life. Their knowledge is underpinned by careful selection, robust training and on-going supervision. By creating a stable, environment, we can lay the foundations for the journey towards independent living. 

As well as outreach, home care and community support, we can provide supported living, in an individual setting or as part of group living. Our supported living homes provide stylish and often purpose-built surroundings, to ensure people are supported and encouraged to live as independently as possible. 

The transition from acute care to post brain injury support is extremely stressful for all those involved. We also signpost for families and loved ones – this includes providing support to access third sector and voluntary organisations to the right outside services at the time they need it. We can also provide respite or temporary support.

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