Sandant Care is committed to meeting the needs of those people entrusted to our support

Sandant began delivering specialist services to people with learning disabilities and complex needs in 2017. 

  • About Sandant Care

    How long has Sandant Care been providing specialist care?

    Sandant began delivering specialist services to people with learning disabilities and complex needs in 2017.  

    Is Sandant Care a charity?

    No. Sandant Care is a privately owned company.

    Who should I contact if I want to make a complaint?

    You can provide feedback or make complaints via our Feedback Section. We welcome all complaints as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve and provide better services.

  • Care Planning

    Who determines a person’s care needs?

    Individual care needs are determined during the assessment process by our team in combination with the individual themselves, their care worker and, where appropriate, close family. Suitability for a placement is also reviewed by our experienced Service Managers, before passing to the funding authority for approval. Local authorities complete their own care needs assessment (CNA) and base the funding level on this.

    What is a local authority Care and Support Plan?

    Following an assessment, the relevant local authority will confirm how it will meet the eligible needs of an individual requiring support in a Care and Support Plan. The plan is a detailed document setting out what services will be provided, how they will meet the person’s needs, when they will be provided, and who will provide them. The plan is reviewed annually, or if circumstances change.

    What is a personal Care Plan?

    Everyone we support has their own personal care plan, tailored to their specific needs. Initially, we gather information at the assessment stage, from previous placements, the individual’s family and their care professional. This helps define precisely the support required. Our Service Manager finishes the plan, detailing any potential risks to the individual and providing specific guidance on how to support them.

    Once a person is accessing one of our services, their care plan will expanded and updated as staff get

    to know them better. The plan is reviewed annually and updated following any change in

    circumstances or medical professional input.

  • Complex Needs Supported

    Do you support people with behaviours that challenge?

    Yes, we support people with a wide range of complex needs, including those with conditions that challenge. Our team takes a flexible, person-centred approach to reducing challenging behaviour. We focus on understanding the reasons for the behaviour, altering the situation if necessary and encouraging more appropriate methods of communication. Contact us at info@sandantcare.co.uk to find out how we can support you.

    Does Sandant Care support people with acquired brain injuries?

    Yes, we have experience in supporting people with an acquired brain injury. Our offer of care and support depends on how the injury affects the individual on a daily basis and the fit with the other people we support in any particular service. We would suggest a suitable solution following assessment.

  • Education and Work

    Does Sandant Care provide special needs education services?

    No, Sandant Care is not an education provider.

    Do you provide access to education and vocational training?

    Yes, we provide support from from help with basic literacy and numeracy to computing, money management and general life skills to improve employability. Many of our services work closely with local education facilities and around a quarter of those we support attend school or college courses.

    Do you help the people you support into work?

    Yes, our relationships with local community colleges, employment agencies and businesses mean we

    can help individuals build skills and confidence, and provide a pathway into employment, both

    voluntary and paid.

  • Healthcare and Medical Support

    How does Sandant Care ensure the general health and wellbeing of the people you support?

    We work closely with local healthcare authorities and a variety of healthcare professionals to ensure the healthcare needs of all those we support are met, including managing medical appointments, and regular medical and dental check-ups. We also work with speech and language therapists and psychiatrists. Where appropriate, our service managers can provide support with making referrals to other health services.

    Does Sandant Care provide medical or nursing services?

    No. Where an individual has specific healthcare requirements, these are provided through local healthcare services.

  • Leisure

    Who pays for the activities?

    The cost of activities arranged as part of a supported living service may need to be met by the individual.

    What if someone wants to participate in an activity or pursuit not normally catered for?

    We are always open to new ideas for activities for the people we support, although it would need to be funded by the individual.

    Do the people you support get to go on holiday, and who pays?

    Yes, holidays are an important part of the support we provide, and for those living in care, can represent a significant achievement as well as being very rewarding. We have supported people to enjoy holidays, by themselves or as part of a group, including caravan holidays, weekends away at attractions and theme parks and short breaks.

    Additional costs, over and above the Care Plan, including the cost of support staff, are then agreed with the individual or an appointee and others involved in the their care.

  • Our Services

    What care services does Sandant Care provide?

    Sandant Care provides a comprehensive range of services from domicilary care and community support to supported living solutions. We offer expertise across a wide range of complex needs and specialist conditions, including caring for people with behaviours that challenge.

    Where does Sandant Care operate?

    Sandant Care operates across Solihull and Birmingham in the West Midlands.

    Does Sandant Care provide children’s services?

    Sandant Care provides services for adults and children of any age.

  • Referral and Assessment

    Who can make a referral to Sandant Care?

    Referrals come to us from a wide variety of sources, including placement breakdowns, Special Education Needs schools, and individuals looking to leave the family home for the first time. Referrals can be made by a social worker, care manager or the individual’s parents, although the

    care manager acting on behalf of that individual must be consulted before an assessment can take place.

    How do I make a referral?

    To make a referral, please call 0121 448 5010, email info@sandantcare.co.uk.

    What happens during the assessment process?

    Our assessment process is designed to ensure we can offer a placement where the person we’ll be supporting can achieve the most positive outcomes. In each case, we look at the whole person to determine their suitability for a particular service. When we receive an enquiry, we review the individual’s high level care requirements to ensure we are able to provide appropriate support. If this is the case, the enquiry is passed to our team, who arrange to meet the individual, and typically their family, social worker and current support staff, to complete the assessment. During the conversation, we take into account everyone’s views, listen to the individual’s preferences, and then match their needs to the availability we have.

    What is a person-centred assessment?

    A person-centred assessment is based on the principle that the individual is at the centre of the assessment process, as the expert on their own life. The objective is to take account of the person’s wishes, preferences and goals, to promote their wellbeing and to identify, together with the

    individual and their close family or circle of support, how best to use care and support to achieve those outcomes.

    What is the waiting time for a placement?

    Waiting times will vary depending on the current circumstances of the individual, their particular care requirements our services in the area. Our objective is always to avoid unsettling those involved with as smooth a transition period as possible. We are able to manage emergency placements where necessary.

    What if the referral is an emergency?

    We recognise that sometimes a move has to be arranged very quickly. We’re able to offer emergency placements, completing an assessment as soon as possible after an enquiry is received, while still ensuring the placement is entirely suitable and staff are able to provide the most

    appropriate support. To find our more, or make a referral, please call 0121 448 5010, email info@sandantcare.co.uk.

  • Supported Living

    What is supported living?

    Supported living services provide care for those in their own or rented accommodation, who want to live as independently as possible while still being able to rely on the individual support they need with care packages ranging from a few hours a week to 24/7 support.

    What’s included in a supported living package?

    In supported living, personal care and accommodation are provided under separate contractual arrangements. The care package will vary from just a few hours a week to 24/7 support, depending on individual needs. Supported living services can help with things like learning new skills for independence, shopping, cooking and menu-planning, personal care and managing medication, accessing employment and local community activities, finance and managing money.

    Importantly supported living packages do not include rent or accommodation, household and personal bills, activities, transport or any specialist equipment, such as assistive technologies, the individual requires.

    How do I access supported living accommodation?

    Our team can help you find the right solution. You can contact us on 0121 448 5010 or at info@sandantcare.co.uk.

    Who pays for supported living services?

    In supported living, personal care and accommodation are provided under separate contractual arrangements. The funding authority meets the cost of care direct, and the individual pays for housing, household and personal expenses, either through personal benefits or income from


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